"The whole of the english empire was built on cups of tea and if you think i am going to war without one you are sadly mistaken my friend".
Been busy, been self inflicted, been about.
Had a few castings, had a few big nights, mix those two together and what do you get?... a green tinge and dishing out apologies like an underrated meal. i threw up at a pretty important casting, blamed it on catching bulimia from other models and...got a call back tomorrow, as well as another casting for some jeans jazz. I have had more pressing issues at hand and neglected this "career".
on another hand I think i may have been so out of it i posed nude for possibly a gay magazine...you win some you lose some. i just happen to be losing more than I'm winning.
back to syd town in due time, talks of overseas travel towards the end of the year.
Dont be a stranger...and i'll stop looking at you from your front lawn (nice curtains, match the furniture)